What's NEXT?
Has the time come to make a major change in your career?
If it feels like the answer might be yes, then you are likely at a career crossroads -- a moment when you need to make some big decisions about what you want from your work and your life.
After working for a few years, many of us may find ourselves at the crossroads, not knowing which career / life path to choose. Should I change jobs? Should I settle down and have kids? Should I move to a different industry? It may bring mixed feelings of anxiety, confusion, and excitement.
As Dr Leo Chalupa once said, "More of our brain is dedicated to processing vision than to any other known function." We are all magnificently visual and pictures bring clarity to our complex world. Visuals unmask hidden connections and force underlying patterns to emerge, making invisible solutions become visible. In understanding how vision works, we will gain the power to really see our PRESENT and to effectively VISUALISE our FUTURE.
This workshop will provide you with a practical hands-on session in navigating the future using the <6><6> visual toolkit created by Dan Roam, author of the International Bestselling Business book, The Back of The Napkin.
NB : This in-person workshop is catered for women with at least 5 years of working experience. Participants are to bring along some writing papers and 2 or 3 coloured pens.